Welcome to our British Values webpage!

Here at The Lakes School, we firmly believe that the promotion of a unifying British identity fosters a sense of belonging, common purpose and national pride. It can help transcend our regional, ethnic and cultural differences, promoting social cohesion and harmony.

A unifying British identity strengthens the bonds among citizens, facilitating cooperation and collective action. It enables a shared vision for the future, allowing for effective collaboration and prosperous coexistence.

At The Lakes School, we believe that by embracing a collective British identity, we can build a society that celebrates diversity while standing together as one.


Teaching pupils about democracy is vital for fostering active citizenship. It equips them with the knowledge and skills to understand their rights, engage in decision-making, and participate in society. Democracy promotes inclusivity, critical thinking and respect for diverse perspectives, enabling the next generation to shape a just and equitable world.

Our Curriculum: Across all departments, our teachers have pinpointed relevant opportunities within their lessons to highlight, discuss or enact a wide variety of notions about democracy such as the fundamental democratic principles, the importance of voting and their rights and responsibilities as citizens.

Pupil Voice: As a school, as departments and as individual teachers, we regularly provide pupils with the opportunity to express their opinions and engage in decision-making processes, providing a hands-on experience with democracy.

Elections: We involve our pupils in elections, too, in order to familiarise them with the electoral process and encourage active participation.

Open Discussions: At appropriate moments in their lessons, our teachers encourage respectful open discussions and debates on contentious issues thereby fostering critical thinking and the ability to consider diverse viewpoints.

Community Engagement: We promote community service projects and involvement in local issues, helping students develop empathy, social awareness and a sense of responsibility in a democratic society.


Teaching pupils about liberty is crucial to empower them as independent thinkers and actors. Understanding the principles of liberty helps them appreciate individual rights, freedom of expression and the rule of law. It encourages responsible decision-making, respect for others’ autonomy and the pursuit of personal fulfilment in a democratic society.

Our Curriculum: Across all departments, our teachers have pinpointed relevant opportunities within their lessons to highlight, discuss or enact a wide variety of notions about individual liberty such as freedom of expression, religion, association and movement thereby promoting pupils’ awareness of their rights as citizens.

Freedom of Expression: We provide regular opportunities through pupil voice surveys or classroom voting and debate for pupils to freely express their thoughts, opinions and creativity without fear of judgment or censorship.

Student-led Initiatives: As a school, we support student-led clubs, projects and activities, allowing them to explore their interests and passions independently, fostering a sense of autonomy and self-determination.

Pupil-centred Learning: Through our options programme in Years 8, 9 and 11, we support our pupils in identifying their individual strengths and preferences, enabling them to take charge of their education and learning journey.

Ethical Decision-making: In a wide variety of classroom and non-classroom contexts, we integrate ethics education into the curriculum, encouraging students to analyse moral dilemmas and make informed decisions that respect the rights and liberties of themselves and others.


Teaching pupils about the rule of law is essential for building a just society. It instils the principles of fairness, equality and accountability. Understanding the rule of law ensures that individuals are protected, disputes are resolved peacefully, and power is restrained. It fosters respect for legal institutions and promotes a culture of justice and order.

Our Curriculum: Across all departments, our teachers have pinpointed relevant opportunities within their lessons to highlight, discuss or enact a wide variety of notions about the rule of law such as importance of adhering to the law, the functioning of legal systems and the role of courts and justice.

Discipline Procedures: As a whole staff body, as departments and as individual teachers, we implement fair and transparent school discipline policies that align with legal principles, reinforcing the importance of adhering to rules and respecting authority.

Restorative Justice Practices: We employ restorative justice practices within the school community focussed on repairing the harm caused by wrongdoing and promoting empathy and accountability.

Assemblies: As a school, we regularly invite the police to speak to targeted groups thereby promoting safety awareness, building positive relationships and educating our pupils about the law specifically in relation to them.

Bar National Mock Trial Competition: On a biennial basis, certain staff members enter a cohort of interested pupils into this national contest, allowing students to act as barristers, clerks, ushers, witnesses and jurors and thereby gain an in-depth understanding of legal procedures and the significance of due process.


Teaching pupils about respect and tolerance is vital for fostering harmonious and inclusive communities. It cultivates empathy, understanding, and appreciation for diverse backgrounds, opinions, and cultures. By promoting respect and tolerance, we create spaces where everyone feels valued, contributing to a more compassionate and equitable society for all.

Our Curriculum: Across all departments, our teachers have pinpointed relevant opportunities within their lessons to highlight, discuss or enact a wide variety of notions about respect and tolerance such as the celebration of diversity, acceptance of differing worldviews and expectations of equal opportunities and treatment for all.

Diversity Celebrations: As a school, we are careful to provide lessons and experiences for our pupils that celebrate the diverse cultures, traditions and backgrounds present in the UK today thereby fostering an appreciation of pluralism.

Inclusive Literature and Media: Teachers make their best efforts to introduce diverse literature, films and media that portray characters from various backgrounds, allowing pupils to relate to different perspectives and develop a deeper understanding of others’ experiences.

Anti-Bullying Initiatives: As a school, we are diligent in implementing comprehensive anti-bullying initiatives that teach students about the harmful effects of discrimination and encourage empathy and understanding towards others.

Restorative Justice Practices: We provide conflict resolution opportunities to equip pupils with the skills to resolve disagreements peacefully and address misunderstandings constructively.


Across all departments, our teachers have pinpointed relevant opportunities within their lessons to highlight, discuss or enact a wide variety of notions about:

DEMOCRACY eg the fundamental democratic principles, the importance of voting and their rights and responsibilities as citizens.

INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY eg freedom of expression, religion, association and movement thereby promoting pupils’ awareness of their rights as citizens.

THE RULE OF LAW eg the importance of adhering to the law, the functioning of legal systems and the role of courts and justice.

RESPECT AND TOLERANCE eg the celebration of diversity, acceptance of differing worldviews and expectations of equal opportunities and treatment for all.

For some examples of our coverage of the British Values in the Autumn Term of each academic year, please click here.

The Lakes School in the heart of the lakes